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The Problem Isn't Erased Simply Because It's Ignored.....

When you think about it, who wouldn’t rebel against a system that legally enslaved, oppressed, segregated and still continues to oppress an entire people; Black people?!?! But, retaliation is not what we seek. We simply want compassion and acknowledgment of our painful past, and solidarity and true equality for the future, as we ALL try and figure out a way to overcome this dark past.

Just like you have no control over what your ancestors did to mine over centuries of inhumane treatment, it isn’t within my control that you have a natural, undeniable advantage over me simply for one distinct characteristic; your skin color. It was not our ancestors’ choice to come to this country over three- hundred years ago, but the damage has been done, and we couldn’t reverse it if we tried. Certain reparations were promised to Black people as repayment for the centuries of inhumane, yet legal treatment done unto us at the hands of our White counterparts. This apparently was an attempt to level the playing field, but there could never be repayment for what has been lost over centuries of such hardship.

Black people, although we think we may be better off, because we no longer walk around in chains and shackles, and THINK that we are free, we may quite frankly be worse off overall. Mentally, we are so lost, and being the worst part of it, we have no clue of our loss of vision. They threw the dollar in front of our face and we completely lost focus. This money thing is cool and all, but I’ll take this state of physical and mental well-being, any day.

But back to you America, if you want these senseless shootings of police officers to cease, address, and deal with this plaguing issue. And stop acting like you don’t see what’s going on, America. Soooooo, you’re just gonna try and ignore it until it goes away?!?! Lol….. No let’s deal with it and finally find some peace here.

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